Located around five miles east of Canterbury in Kent, Stodmarsh NNR (National Nature Reserve) is a great nature reserve for wildlife watching. The reserve lies next to the river Stour, and has many reeds, wet grasslands and lakes, providing a perfect habitat for invertebrates, rare plants and wintering birds.

Back in the summer, I went to this reserve and also went on a canoe trip on the river next to the reserve. As well as the beautiful views of the reserve, I saw a range of wildlife, mostly birds. It was a very warm, sunny day, and the I also saw many dragonfly species.

On one of the lakes, there were possibly up to 50 birds, including Canada geese. Whilst watching over a small lake in one of the bird hides, I could see a range of birds, including some lapwings. However, just as I was going to move on to a different bird hide, in the distance I could see a brown, medium-sized bird flying over the reeds. It was too far to photograph but a bird watcher next to me told me that it was a juvenile marsh harrier. He also told me that the one that we were watching was one of four marsh harriers on the reserve. The marsh harrier is a bird of prey that feeds on small mammals, marsh frogs and birds and as the name suggests, they live and hunt in marshes, which is why I saw one at a marshland nature reserve. Whilst on my canoe trip on the river, I also saw swans and coots, as well as a few other bird species.

Overall, I enjoyed this visit and it’s good to see so many bird species. I’ll certainly be going back soon for a future blog.

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